Monday, February 24, 2020

First Week Done!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Hello everyone!!!!!!! I made it to Omaha Nebraska! I don't have lots of time so this one will be short:( so sorry! It was me and 5 other elders traveling to Nebraska! It was crazy being the only sister, but I guess I needed to keep the Elders in line!;) My first area is the Winter Quarters Nebraska area! Its huge! We have lots of people to contact, which I couldn't be more happy about! I left my MTC district which was sad but now I'm meeting lots more amazing people as well. My trainers name is Sister Thomas, she is from Cedar City! She is great! She is very patient with me! I don't know how she puts up with me sometimes hehe! 
Here are some pictures sense I am out of time! Next week my email will explain more and will be longer!:) I love you all! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is TRUE!!!!!!!! Missionary Work is great!!! I love my Savior with my whole heart! Trust in Him! We are all Heavenly Fathers Children! He wants all of us to return back to live with him! Love Everyone!!! Charity Never Faileth!!! XOXOX

 PICS: My MTC District, airport with the elders, my new Companion, and Valentine's Party!

First Companion, Sister Thomas and Sister Smith

Monday, February 17, 2020

Safe Arrival

What a delight it was for us to greet your missionary Sister Smith, at the airport this evening. Sister Smith was excited to have finally arrived in the mission field. The MTC is a wonderful place, but there is nothing like being your field of labor.

Preparation Day for the missionaries in the Nebraska Omaha Mission is typically on Mondays, which is when missionaries take care of personal needs, including communicating with hers family.  So you should expect to hear from Sister  Smith next  Monday.

We just wanted to assure you that Sister  Smith has arrived safely to the Nebraska Omaha Mission,  Tomorrow, Tuesday, Sister  Smith  will receive some additional training here at the mission office, then will be off to her new area on Wednesday.

We are grateful to have Sister  Smith  here with us in this mission.  We look forward to growing close as we are yoked together in the service of the Lord.  You should have received an email from Sister Smith  already and if not, it will be arriving soon.  Also, a photo of Sister  Smith with Sister Ence and me will come shortly.


James N. Ence
Nebraska Omaha Mission President

President and Sister Ence and Sister Smith!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

You're Too Loud to be from Utah!

Hello Everyone!!!!!! I love you all so much! And guess what? I love being a missionary! It is the best! It's not the easiest thing but its most worth it! Last Friday I got to leave the MTC and go to Primary Childrens to get shots in my head for my headaches! My mom got to be my Companion! She loved it;) I'm thankful for her and everything she does for me! It was hard to say goodbye again to her but its all good! She teaches me so much and I love her! The next day me and my district got to go to the Provo temple! It was Beautiful and an amazing experience!! Temples are truly amazing and Houses of the Lord on the Earth! 
One funny thing that happend on Monday was I was in the Cafeteria eating lunch with my district and someone made me laugh pretty hard and so I was laughing loudly and I snorted ( ya surprising I know ;) ) and these other elders and sisters on the other table heard me and started laughing. One of the sisters was from Hawaii and she asked me "Sister where are you from?" And I said "Utah" and she said "Girl, you are too loud to be from Utah, I love it"!!! Haha and then we both just laughed soo hard!!! I told her Thank you! 
The MTC is still good! I'm gonna miss it! It's crazy I will be in Nebraska on Monday!!! I can't wait though!!! I'm gonna miss my sisters! We have all became great friends! You can see in some of my pictures below:) I've been super sick the past couple of days and had to go to the doctors but I am getting better! Everyone was praying for me and I felt those prayers:) Funny story actually, me and my Companion had to go off MTC campus to go get my medicine at a health clinic and I was super sick and still in my Pjs..soo I forgot to put my name tag on haha oops. So we walk to get the medicine and then we walk into the Gate to come back to the MTC and the security Gaurd lady almost didn't let me back in because I didn't have my name tag on. Ha I told her I've been sick and I forgot to put it on and thankfully she let me in:) 
On Tuesday we had a Devotional by Sister Eubank, 1st counselor in the Relief Society Presidency and it was amazing!!! I learned more how to serve with my heart, ( love everyone) serve with my might ( power, give it all I got ), serve with my mind ( Train my mind to look past the imperfections of people) and then lastly to serve with all my strength ( Take a leap of Faith and rely on the Lords Strength)! After the devotional though me and my district got stuck in the elevator and the elevator fell like 2 inches! Ha it was scary, not gonna lie! But we are alive and all is well! All the sisters just got jello legs cause we were freaking out haha!  
Lastly, I just barely went to the Provo temple for Pday one last time before I leave Utah! It was awesome!!! You can look at the pics and see my cute district! It was a beautiful day! I LOVE THE GOSPEL!!! I love wearing Jesus Christs name on my chest!! It is THROUGH Jesus Christ that we can return back to live with our Father in Heaven! This is the living true church because the living Savior is at its head. XOXO next time I email, I will be in Omaha!!! Have a great week everyone! The Lord is on your side!!!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

One week and One day in the MTC

Wow! Wow! Wow! I have been in the MTC for a week now! Its crazy, time goes so slow but so fast at the same time! This week has been full of learning, Devotionals and teaching. Me and my Companion got to teach this Non Member girl named Lexi! We taught her two lessons! It was hard at first but we are getting the hang of things and learning how to teach better! Me and my Companion laugh a lot, especially when it's time for bed so we are working on that;) I kind of like to laugh! Missionary work is the best kind of work! I love being a missionary! The Book of Mormon is True! I know it is another testament of Jesus Christ, and I know it has answers for our questions! Our purpose as missionary's is to Invite OTHERS to come unto Christ and I love doing that every day! Heavenly Father has blessed me with really good health! It's a miracle! My headaches have been so much better! He is blessing me and I'm so thankful! I get botox shots at the hospital tomorrow for my head and its gonna be really interesting leaving the MTC into the world and being a missionary! I'm excited! I'm getting a priesthood blessing today that my shots will go good! I'm thankful for the Priesthood and that power! Its awesome! 
One super cool thing that happened to me this week was I was chosen by my mtc teacher to act as a "non member" in front of 24 people including my district and I had return missionary's who work at the MTC to act as missionary's to teach me a lesson about the Restoration! We were doing a Demo to show the missionary's how to teach people! BUT, it was like an interrogation room! Me and the "Missionarys" were in one room and all we could see were mirrors on our side but through the other room the 24 missionary's could see us through the window! It was crazy! They could also here us but we couldn't here them! So I acted as a non member and it was actually the most spiritual experience ever! I really felt like that non member and I felt that I was being taught about Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ! They love us and are mindful of us! I was acting like I wanted a purpose in life and it seems that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ have a purpose in life. My favorite part was the end of the lesson, the missionary cited the "First Vision" and I just lost it! I started to cry! I felt the spirit so strongly! I was like "Sister Smith hold it together, you are acting as a non member!" But the spirit hit me so strong and I learned lots as sister Smith and that Non member, if that makes sense! We finally are done and we walk into the other room and the room was dead silent and filled with the spirit. Everyone told me that I made them feel the spirit and that I was a great actor! It was an awesome experience that I wish my district could have experienced! I know that my teacher was promted to ask me to do that and it was awesome!!!!!    
Also, me and my Companion are District Sister Training Leaders! That is our calling from the Branch President! We make sure all the sisters are doing good and we teach lessons on Sundays! It's fun! I love the MTC! One thing that I've learned is that we all need to reach outward not inward. We need to focus on the people around us and not on ourselves. Christ always looked outward and served everyone around him! We need to be like Christ! When life is hard, look outward! The Lord WILL bless your life!! I love you all so much!! Have an amazing week!! God knows you by name and he wants you to reach out to him! He loves ALL his children!! I will talk to you all next week!! 11 more days until I'm in Omaha!!!!! 

Sister Smith and Sister Phelon (MTC Companion)

MTC District