Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Only 3 days Notice...

President Ence called me on March 19, 2020 and told me that the missionary department of the Church had asked him to call all missionary moms of missionaries who had health problems and let them know that they were evaluating each individual situation and that Alisa might be coming home. He also said that if she did have to come home she could return to the mission after the virus went away. I was ok with that...maybe. Honestly, my heart skipped a beat, both because of excitement and unbelief. Then I began to feel so sad and worried about my sweet missionary! After surviving the weekend and first of the week with no further calls from the Mission President, I felt like Alisa would be staying. But that wasn't meant to be. 

On March 24, 2020 Sister Smith called to tell us that because the Corona Virus, and with her health issues (headaches which require Botox shots every 3 months), she was told she would be coming home. All missionaries with health issues, worldwide, were being sent home with no invitation to return. When I questioned the "no invitation to return part" because of what President Ence had said, Alisa replied that He, the Mission President, had just told her she wouldn't be able to go back to the mission. I then called President Ence and he let me know that just in the past 4 days the Church had to make a decision and that is the decision they had made for all missionaries going home because of health issues. We were so very disappointed and sad! Sister Smith was so sad as she called and skyped the next day to tell us! We received her flight plans and she had 3 days to say her goodbyes and prepare to come home. Our hearts were breaking with hers as we knew what a powerful witness she had received and the powerful desire to serve that she had!

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