Monday, March 16, 2020

Updates from Sister Smith!

Wow! What. A. Week. I pray for all the families and friends out there who have been effective by the Virus. And I pray for all of YOU because one way or another, it has effected all of us. It's for sure a crazy time to be a missionary but what better time than to bring people peace during this time of worry. A few updates is that I can still be a missionary and do the work. We can't go door to door tracking, but we can work with members, part member families and people we already know etc. Its different not inviting people to church but it's a great opportunity to get the members involved by having investigators in there homes on sundays. So be a missionary this week:) Invite someone to watch General Conference, or to do Come, follow me with you on sunday! I know that as you share your Testimony to someone this week and invite them to those things that you will receive blessings and you will plant a seed for that person in their life.
We aren't stuck in our apartment....yet;) We are crossing our fingers that won't happen! I still love doing the Lords work and we are trying to focus on technology more and invite others to come closer to Christ through social media!
This week I had exchanges, so I got to go with another sister to her area. I got to go with Sister. Dastrup who is from Kaysville Ut. to Council Bluffs Iowa. I got to serve in Iowa for a day! It was awesome! This week was crazy and long! But I just want to testify that God has a plan! We are all players of this game plan! This quarter of the game happened to have the world shift a little bit with this Virus going around but we have an amazing coach. The best coach in the world. Our modern day Prophet President Nelson. I know he is leading and guiding us in the right direction! He is the closest thing to God, we need to trust in him and follow him. I love you all so much! Stay Safe! This is an amazing time to come closer to our Heavenly Father. Keep staying Strong, one step forward. We all got this!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO 

Pics: Selfies, Exchanges with Sister Dastrup, District Service. 

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