Monday, March 9, 2020

Jesus Christ has perfect Pitch 🎶

Hello Friends and Family! It's been an awesome week! 
One really cool thing is that one of my Investigators named Leah is on date for Baptism!!!!! Wahoo!!!!!! She is on date for the end of March!! She is 40. An awesome thing that happened on Wednesday when we were teaching a lesson with her was we invited her to come to a Baptism on Saturday to see what it's like and she said "Oh should I just come ready then? Sense the tub will already have water, can't I just get baptized then?" It made me and my Companion laugh a little! Leah is awesome! We wish she could have gotten Baptized on Saturday but she isn't ready quite yet! Ha Me and my Companion have been teaching her ever since I got here. 
She will probably be my first Baptism unless a crazy miracle happens! I'm pumped!!! I've already seen the gospel of Jesus Christ bless her life and that's why I LOVE this work!!! Also, we have this other girl who is 19 named Angela who is also on date for Baptism in April :) She just had a baby and so we are taking it slower and she has a fear of water, so once we can get past that,  she will be getting baptized in April! I would love if you kept those 2 amazing women in your prayers:) 
This last week I had my first Zone Council! We went over the talk "Songs Sung and Unsung" by Jeffrey R. Holland in the April 2017 General Conference talk. It is AWESOME! If you have time, I would invite all of you to read it:) It talks about how we all are part of God's choir. And sometimes we may sing out of tune. But the Lord has perfect Pitch and we can always turn to him for help with the notes / Chords. It also talks about which I love is that not all the voices in Gods Choir are the same. There are Altos, Sopranos, Basses etc. We are all different for a reason. There is room for everyone in the Choir who wishes to be there. "Come as you are,” a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, “Don’t plan to stay as you are.” We smile and remember that God is determined to make of us more than we thought we could be." 
It was a great meeting and I got to meet all the people in my zone:) 
Miracle Alert: So last Sunday I was sitting in Sunday School and there was this older lady who started crying and was sharing with the class that someone hurt her feelings and that she didn't want to come to church anymore. We were all shocked and sad. She is going blind and without getting into detail, she just said that someone was mean to her at church and more than 5 times she said "It makes me not want to come to church anymore." There were people in that room telling her "We cant control what other people say or do, only we can control ourselves." Others were saying " Please keep coming to church." Me and My Companion Sister Thomas were going to talk to her after church but other things came up. We forgot about it and then we moved on with our week. On Tuesday we were going to visit this Elder named James who we haven't met before but on our list it says he's a member but hasn't been to church in a while so we went to go visit him. It's about 7pm and we knock on the door hoping to see a guy named James and it's that cute older lady who was crying in church on sunday. Me and Sister Thomas were soo confused but we just went along with it. We acted like we were meaning to see her when she asked us why we were here. Haha it was incredible. No such things as coincidences! God is mindful of all of us and will put people in our lives for a reason. So we asked her if there was a James who lived there and she said "No, just me." So we shared a message with her and prayed with her and it made her whole night! We talked about her experience on Sunday and she just really appreciated us coming over! What are the odds that, that was HER house and we didn't even know. She is still coming to church and all is well. It was a miracle:) I know God led us to that house to talk with her and pray with her! 
On Thursday we had service at the Food Pantry! I sorted through 1,000 nectarines throwing out the bad ones and keeping the good. Me and my District smelled like them the rest of the day! I love helping out at the Food Pantry. We well families that come in get food and I love getting to know the people there. 
A few more interesting things about my area: 
1. I don't think they believe in having just one animal. Every house I've been to has at least 2 cats or 2 dogs. I've been in a house with 4 cats and 2 dogs. It was a madhouse but so awesome!:) 
2. The wind is so crazy here that it blows garbage cans, basketballs, and pretty much everything into the roads or down the streets. One day we were driving on the road and it was like obstacle course trying to drive through all the garbage cans,couch cushions, buckets, and toys on the road because the wind blew them. It was scary. I was feeling bad though because people were losing there stuff! Ha 
3. The people here are actually really amazing and they just want to do good in the world. Everyone I meet loves God. They might not know much more than that but the fact that they know God loves them and that they love him is an amazing foundation. 
Well we're trying our best to gather Israel and continuing to find the lost sheep! I love His Work. Also, my Companion lost her voice for 3 days this week so I did lots of talking! Ha I'm thankful she has her voice back;) 
Well everyone, thanks for reading through this email. I want all of you to know that no matter what, Gods Love for you is always there. Never forget that! He loves you so much that he restored this Gospel, created this Earth, and sent his Son to die for you! It's all for us. So we can learn, grow, and eventually return to live with him again. XOXO Have an amazing week!!!
I love you all. 

Here are some pics: My District at the Food Pantry, me hanging outside the window getting gas, and me and my Companion getting Dr.Pepper with creamer at the gas station! 


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